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SEC Rule 606 requires brokers that route equity and option orders to make available quarterly reports (broken out by months) that provide statistical details regarding their routing practices. The report details the market centers (e.g. exchanges, market makers or alternative trading systems) that brokers route to and the material aspects of the brokers’ relationship with those market centers. Brighton Securities exclusively routes order to Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC. for execution. As such, Brighton adopts Wells Fargo Clearing Services LLC’s quarterly order routing 606 report as its own. Brighton is not party to any Payment for Order Flow Arrangements.

Under SEC Rule 606(b)(1), customers may request specific order routing and execution information for the preceding six months. The information will include the identity of the venue where your orders were routed for execution, whether the orders were directed or non-directed, and if executed, the time of execution. Please contact your Financial Advisor to request specific order routing and execution information.

CLICK HERE to access Brighton’s 606 report.

CLICK HERE for the 606(a) Disclosure

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