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Contact: Christina Gregory
Marketing Coordinator

Brighton Securities to Participate

in the 2016 Literacy Volunteers Brain Game

Local Financial Firm Gives Back to Rochester Community.

2016 marks Brighton Securities’ sixth year of contributing to the Literacy Volunteers of Rochester. Literacy Volunteers of Rochester Inc. is a local leader in the cause of literacy, providing Rochester with tutoring and classroom instruction in reading, English language, and math as well as advocating for public policy changes that improve literacy.

Brighton Securities has participated since 2010 in the Brain Games, where local businesses go head-to-head in a fast-paced trivia game supporting Literacy Volunteers of Rochester. “We have always really enjoyed attending this event and meeting other local professionals who support adult and child literacy alongside us,” said Chief Executive Officer Jai Ramachandran.

“For 50 years we have been in the same Rochester location, we are a local company with global ideas. We take pride in our community and welcome any opportunity to give back,” Ramachandran said.

This year’s Brain Games will take place October 27 from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Downtown Holiday Inn, 70 State Street, Rochester.

About Brighton Securities: Brighton Securities is a local, independently owned financial services firm headquartered in Rochester, N.Y., with offices on Monroe Avenue in Brighton and Main Street in Batavia. Established in 1969, Brighton Securities uses a client-focused approach to delivering services that include financial planning, personal saving strategies, insurance, estate planning, tax planning and preparation, and corporate services. Our financial advisors serve individual investors, trusts, estates, and small to medium-sized businesses with the 500-plus years of combined experience in financial services that our team brings to the table.

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